Christ: \Christ\, n. [L. Christus, Gr. ?, fr. ? anointed, fr. chri`ein to anoint. See
Chrism.] The Anointed; an appellation given to Jesus, the Savior. It is synonymous with the Hebrew
Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc. |
Christ: anointed, the Greek translation of the Hebrew word rendered "Messiah" (q.v.),
Source : Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary |
Christ: Christ, anointed
Source : Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary |
Messiah: (Heb. mashiah), in all the thirty-nine instances of its occurring in the Old Testament, is rendered by the LXX. "Christos." It means anointed. Thus priests (Ex. 28:41; 40:15; Num. 3:3), prophets (1 Kings 19:16), and kings (1 Sam. 9:16; 16:3; 2 Sam. 12:7) were anointed with oil, and so consecrated to their respective offices. The great Messiah is anointed "above his fellows" (Ps.45:7); i.e., he embraces in himself all the three offices.
Source : Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary |
Messiah: Messiah, anointed
Source : Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary |
So, apparently, "Christ" or "Messiah" can technically be anyone who is anointed...
I found this interesting too...personally, I think this is the "Christ" that we were being warned about :
Messiah: Ghost dance \Ghost dance\ A religious dance of the North American Indians, participated in by both sexes, and looked upon as a rite of invocation the purpose of which is, through trance and vision, to bring the dancer into communion with the unseen world and the spirits of departed friends. The dance is the chief rite of the
Ghost-dance, or
Messiah, religion, which originated about 1890 in the doctrines of the Piute Wovoka, the Indian Messiah, who taught that the time was drawing near when the whole Indian race, the dead with the living, should be reunited to live a life of millennial happiness upon a regenerated earth. The religion inculcates peace, righteousness, and work, and holds that in good time, without warlike intervention, the oppressive white rule will be removed by the higher powers. The religion spread through a majority of the western tribes of the United States, only in the case of the Sioux, owing to local causes, leading to an outbreak.
Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc. |